I know the question is boiling in the minds of a lot of fans, if the Cameroon Film Industry is ripe enough for the spring of "mushroom awarding". The answer to this question is yes. CFI is ready to embrace as many award host as the days of a month. The spring of mushroom awarding started in 2012 which signals a rapid growth of the Cameroon Film Industry. When talent and creativity is awarded, we are able to see the zeal and motivation for quality and quantity in the Film industry. The Cameroon Film Industry/entertainment industry has so far hosted the following awards;
Ecrans Noir
The Dream Africa Movie Awards (DAMA)
The Cameroon Entertainment Awards (CEA)
The Cam Movies Merit Awards (CMMA)
Elegance 237 or Cameroon Diaspora Awards (CDA)
With the exception of Ecran Noir, The rest of the Award emerged in 2012 alone though the Dama was however at it's second edition.
In 2013, the Cameroon Film Industry will be blessed with even more Awards. Early 2013 has seen the birth of the Cameroonian Movie Awards (CMA), which is said to be holding this July 2013 at Azam Hotel in Bamenda. 2013 has also seen the birth of the Cameroon Academy Awards or Sonnah Awards which is going to be holding at the Luxurious Hilton Hotel in Yaounde this December 2013. For those in-front and behind the Camera, this is good news. A summary of Awards in 2013;
1. Ecrans Noir (??)
2. The Dream Africa Movie Awards (DAMA) possibly November 2013
3. The Cameroon Entertainment Awards (CEA) possibly August 2013
4. The Cam Movies Merit Awards (CMMA) possibly November/December 2013
5. Elegance 237 or Cameroon Diaspora Awards (CDA) possibly August/September 2013
6. The Cameroonian Movie Awards (CMA) possibly July 2013
7. The Cameroon Acadamy Awards or Sonnah Awards (CAA) December 2013
8. The Cameroon Film Critics Award (CFCA) Possibly December 2013
In total, the Cameroon Film Industry (CFI) will be hosting 8 (Eight) Awards this Year 2013. It is rumored that there may be more award coming before mid 2013.
Somebody shout Amen and Alleloya, this is wonderful growth we are talking about. We should all look at this in a positive light and appreciate the fact that some investment and appreciation is befalling our Film Industry.
More on this story will be coming as we move on.
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