Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Cameroon Film Industry is in a revolution. The quality of movies and equipment have improved. Recognition of the works of Cameroonian film makers has become the order of the day. This NOVEMBER;

"Range Premiere" (10-11th November 2012)
This November Hotel Residence Carlos Buea, the greatest celebrity hangout in Cameroon is going to be Host to two great movie launch. The Movie "Range" shot on location in the USA, Directed by the  "best of the best" Diaspora Director Akim Marculey, Produced by Quintus Kang, Nelson Kime and Executively produced by CEA Best supporting role actress Trina Takoh, will see the light of day. Report just reached us that the CEA Cameroon best Actor and 237 Elegance Diaspora best Actor Quintus Kang, board a domestic flight yesterday heading to Cameroon, for the premiere. Meanwhile preparation for this red carpet launch is underway in Buea. Kang Quintus will be the focus of media attention this November.

"Troubled Kingdom Premiere" (17th -18th November 2012)
This November, the long awaited "Troubled Kingdom" shot on location in Yaounde, will finally explode on all TV screen in Cameroon. This traditional Glamour Movie, featuring Jeff Epulle, Nchefor Valery, Vitalis Otia, Ma Magdalene, Solange Yijieka, Mairo Sanda, Ojong Solange, Moma Pascal, Fred Keyanti, Chatoh Colins, Fesse Ellyne and a host of others is a must watch. This Great movie, Directed by Cameroonian Best Director Neba Lawrence with Waa Musi as DOP will get you seated next to your TV screen. Information reaching us is that the producers Fred Keyanti & Mairo Sanda are busy packing up in preparation for departure to Cameroon. The Premiere which will start in Buea before going on a country tour will be hosted at Hotel Residence Carlos.

DREAM AFRICA MOVIE AWARD (DAMA) (24th of November 2012)
While Buea is busy, Bamenda will be also busy with preparations to host one of the biggest event in the history of Cameroonian Show Biz. Azam Hotel, seat of the 2012/2013 DAMA is fitted with luxury to blow you off. Information reaching us is that Nigeria, Ghana and other African Countries will be taking part in this awards. Most of the hotels around Azam Hotel have been fully booked to capacity, by participant of this event. Only the very expensive hotels have space for November 23 and 24th 2012. DAMA, an initiative that stand the test of time.  Rewarding Excellence in Film Making.

Cam Movies Hang-Out Party (17th-18th November 2012)
After the Fix It Show that brought together celebrities all over the world under one roof, here come another bling bling red Carpet Event. This is Show Biz at its best. This great event, which will be hosted at Hotel Residence Carlos, will be one of its kind in red carpet glamour. Full with fun, music, and comedy, the hangout party comes at a time of regeneration. The organizers,  the Cam Movie team are on ground putting the package together. Make sure to get your VIP ticket from Samson Tarh, the Production manager of Cam Movies as soon as possible. Invitations are limited and guest will be served based on their invitations.
Five Cam Movie Representative will be attending from the Diaspora. The Full Program will be made public by the 01 of November 2012. This is a party not to miss and a weekend that will never end. The Producer of Cam Movies Fred Keyanti will be in attendance.

Cam Movies
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Contact: 748852237 or 97858356

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"My Talents has not been given enough exposure" - CAM MOVIES Interview with Top Cameroonian actress RUTH NKWETI

                                         INTERVIEW WITH TOP ACTRESS RUTH NKWETI

Cam Movie (CM): Good day Ruth

Ruth: good day

CM: Can you tell us about your place of origin?
Ruth: I’m from Awing in the north west region

CM: Can you tell us about your academic background?

Ruth: did my secondary education in PSS Mankon, high school in PSS Bafut and got a BSc. In Political Science from the university of buea

CM: when did you start acting in Collywood Movies?

Ruth: If I can recall right, that may be in 2008  
CM: What inspired you to become an Actress?

Ruth: it was not some big epiphany but something that was inborn. I always liked impersonation and I was happy doing it. And when you make a career out of something you love, life is bliss 

CM: where are you based?

Ruth: I am based in yaounde but I move around a lot. Stagnant settings kinda bore me

CM: Do you have any other career other than Acting?

Ruth: yes I do. I host a TV show- ASPIRE AFRICA and do a little music

CM: How many movies have you Acted in so far?

Ruth: seven feature films, three short films

CM: which was your first movie appearance?

Ruth: that would be Obsession by Binam Studios

CM: You were in London last year after being nominated for best upcoming actress in ZAFAA how did it go

Ruth: it was amazing, totally serene. I was honoured to meet actors and actresses I have adored watching. I have kept in touch with a lot of them and it has helped me grow my art.

CM: You are young, beautiful and one of the most sorted actress in Cameroon what is your secret

Ruth: haha, really? Well to put it in one word: GOD. He is always there for me, helping me make the right decisions. He has seen me through my ups and downs and the light at the tunnel is always glaring

CM: Do you think your skills and talent has been given enough exposure so far?
Ruth: I don’t think so. You don’t see Hollywood knocking down my door do you?
J It’s a process and we are getting there
CM: Do you think producers need to invite Nollywood actresses to help expose our Actresses?
Ruth: that depends on what they do once they get here. For Cameroonian talent to be show cased, I believe nollywood actresses or actors should feature, not star!

CM: Who will you say is your best director in CFI?
Ruth: I cant really pin-point. The different directors have their strengths in their different genres: be it glamour, thriller or epics 

CM: Who will you say is your best Producer in CFI?
Ruth: mmm, don’t really know

CM: Who will you say is the best DOP in CFI?

Ruth: I would say Penjo Pete

CM: in acting who will you consider your role model?

Ruth: easy one. Genevieve Nnaji and that’s because she is her own woman talented, strong, yet appealing to all

CM: You do music and have worked with JOVI, SINE, X-Malaya etc, how do you manage the two industries? Ruth: its not very different. You have to become a character for either of them to work. I always become what I have to be so that the right emotion can be conveyed

CM: You have so far had 6 Award nominations, in CEA, ZAFAA, Ecrans Noirs etc how do you feel?

Ruth:  I feel motivated to work harder. Don’t get me wrong, I am honored but I am not yet at the top of my game 

CM: If you were to propose some changes you will like to see in CFI, what will they b
Ruth: I would like to see attitude changes: recognizing every individual talent for what they are and giving mutual respect to their artistry

CM: where do you see yourself in 5years as an actress?
Ruth: settled with a family but still working my butt off

CM: Which has been your worst shooting experience so far in CFI?

Ruth: can’t really point fingers but I would give hints- crappy hotel, horrible food, poor time management, geez

CM: What is your advice to young aspiring actresses?

Ruth: just be true to yourself, if you get into show biz for the wrong reasons, it will eat you whole and spit you out in pieces. You need to love what you do

CM: where can Cameroonians out of Cameroon get copies of your movies?

Ruth: you can get them at Residence Carlos in Buea, Magic Touch in yaounde and Buea and at the various production houses

CM: Do you have any projects in the pipeline?

Ruth: two projects still in the talks but not yet in the works

CM: Thanks for taking out time to participate in this interview with Cam Movie

Ruth: my pleasure

Cam Movie

All Rights

Friday, October 5, 2012

DAMA AWARDS, 50 Days left

Dedicated Cameroonians are bent on making the Cameroon Film Industry (CFI) see the light of day. Just few months back the CEA recognized the endless efforts of Cameroonians in the entertainment industry. Just a month after the CEA, came the Cameroonian Diaspora Awards known by its acronym as +237 ELEGANCE, organised and hosted in Holland. November 24th, 2012 will be the 3rd of such great initiative to revolutionize the CFI. The DREAM AFRICA MOVIE AWARDS (DAMA) enters it second edition this November in Bamenda, the host city. The first edition was hosted in Dschang. The change of host cities is to show the world that Cameroon and CFI is one and indivisible, says the CEO of DAMA, Mr Etiendem Romanus Etiendem. Bamenda will be host to the CMA comes 2013.

Azam Hotel is one of the best hotels in the whole of NW and West regions of Cameroon. The hotel is decorated with glamour, extravagantly built to accommodate local and international events of all magnitude. This awards will see all celebrities around Cameroon and diaspora under one roof. So far, those who have confirm their participation from the Diaspora includes CEA best male Actor, CDA best actor Kang Quintus flying from the USA and Cameroonian Producer Fred Keyanti from Cairo. Don't afford to miss the DAMA.

The DAMA has received approximately 150 films so far, all over the world. The award committee members are busy and screening is currently going on. The list of the movies in all categories will be announced soon, says the CEO.