Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our Sweet Love

                                                    WE LOVE YOU CAMEROO

Dear Cameroonians, actors, directors, editors, DOPs, Producers, Actresses, Make Up, light, etc, We at Cam Movies Salute you all. This is the 1st of October 2012, a significant day for us Cameroonians. This is a moment of forgiveness and reconciliation. We are too young to have so many differences. We understand that each individual has his rights and pride, but we will plead for peace and reconciliation. CFI USA has been noted as a conflict zone, how can we grow when we are so divided.  We all have one enemy and that enemy is called EGO. Let us ignore our EGO and be together. We all need each other to proceed as an industry. Let us not cause the 4th world war, because we strongly believe the 4th World War will be a cyber war. If any one need our help in conflict resolution, we are more than available to assist in fighting this evil. VIVA CFI


Cam Movies
Your Partner in Growth of the CFI

Friday, September 28, 2012

Interview: I Speak the Truth, No hard feelings


Cam Movies (CM): Good day Mr. Kenneth
Kenneth: Good day Cam movies, and thanks for the opportunity to share my views about Cameroon movies industry.
CM: Can you tell us about your place of origin?
Ken: I am born and breed in Buea in the South West province, but originally, I am from the Western province of Cameroon, precisely Bayangam. Part of the 11 province I guess? hahahaha. I consider myself more a Bakweri person because I am more vested with the Bakweri culture than the Bamilke culture

CM: Can you tell us about your academic background?
Ken: My academic background. I attended Government Primary school Buea-Town and did my secondary and post secondary studies in P.H.S Kumba. The quest for knowledge took me to A.B.U in Zaria Nigeria where I enrolled in the department of Mass Communications. Due to the Christian/Muslim upheaval, I returned to Cameroon where I obtained a B.A in Negro-African literature. I am currently enrolled for my master's Program at DeVry University in Minnesota-U.S.A, where i am studying Computer Sciences/network Security

CM: When did you start shooting Collywood Movies?
Ken: My interest and passion for movies goes as far back as when i was a kid. I always feature in school drama, and during my secondary school days, precisely form 1-3, I will play the role of a kid or Chinda in a movie. My great acting skills landed me better roles and when i was in Lower 6th,I helped my school win drama competition when i played the lead role ( Chief Damba) in Ene Shinhor's "This is our Chance". Together with one great guy, of late today Mr Augustine Teh-Che, we formed the dynamic Youth theatre in Buea, and we played A/ level & O/ levels plays. I played Odewale in Ola Rotimi's : The gods are not to blame". With that I continued with my passion for it, and with the help of my late Professor Bate Bessong, I started writing movies, and co-wrote "Bitter Life" with late Augustine Teh-che

CM: where are you based?
Ken: I am based in USA in the state of Minnesota

CM: Do you have any other career other than Film Making/Acting?
Ken: I am an Account manager with Securitas while going to school for my Master's Degree

CM: How many movies have you produced/Acted?
Ken: In terms of production, I am an up coming producer. I am a writer and an actor. I have played in a couple of movies with different people. I played in Kamwoods "Sister-In-Law" and "My Own Blood" where I am the lead character. I also played in a movie produced by a Guinean lady and directed by Akim Macauley titled "Nurses from hell". I am currently shooting a movie with another Cameroonian based in Minnesota of Editho productions. The movie title is " Menages".
In terms of writing, I have written 5 movies so far "The Storm is Over", Victimized, Taboo decision, Bitter Life and The real me. I am currently writing 4 other movies, and i have laid down plans for about 6 more

CM: Do you feel that the CFI needs a movie award? 
Ken: About my feelings with CFI, I bet you, anything that can propel the Cameroon movie industry, I am game. CFI should be organized with great Cameroonian producers, Directors involved. It should not be biased, but should have great minds in place for its success. It should not be a thing where people organize to self-propel themselves, like what I witnessed with CEA, where the ideas of these great Cameroonian ladies were over taken by some overzealous individuals, who wanted to prove what they are not.

CM: Were you at the last CEA, if not why not?
Ken: Yes, I was very much present at the last CEA Award. Like I said, if these two beautiful Cameroonian ladies were allowed to put their well planned ideas together without interference, I bet you bro it would have been a greater success. I was very sad because their brilliant ideas were infiltrated by some self-centered Cameroonians, who were there to show case the village idea of how they think the Cameroon entertainment industry should be run, people who were there just to sell themselves and get awards for what they do not deserve. It is completely out of question that awards were given to people who had nothing to show for it. I mean, even when I follow Nigerian/Ghanaian awards, I see how actors/actresses take award for what they have done, and these movies or music are shown on the screen before awards are given. But for actors/actress like Kang Quintus, Taka Tanni, musicians like Naomi Achu, Pandita Etah who merited their awards and producers like Agbor Gilbert and Penjo, the rest to me was bullshit. Some producers or directors were mentioned in absentia, I wander why directors like Akim Macauley were not mentioned. Like I said, i believe if the ideas of these two ladies were not infiltrated by some bad seeds for their selfish interest, it would have been a great show. I know for sure that these beautiful ladies have learnt from their mistakes, and next time, they will do enough research and contact the right people to help them with the next organization. This is a Cameroonian thing, and it should be done for that purpose, as originally initiated. I missed mentioning another great producer and actress Mairo Sanda {before thunder fire me)ahahahahahaha

CM: We learned that you were a member of Kamwood production but was fired for not obeying Kamwood internal rules, is that true?
Ken: hahahahahahaha, that's a good one, fire abi? hahahahahahaa. This makes me laugh bro trust me. I like the way it is being put out there. If you know some real Kamwood actors/actresses, ask them if I was fired. I decided to disassociate myself from Kamwood because i realized that kamwood did not represent what it preach. I found out that Kamwod company is just like a bad preacher who will go to the pulpit and tell the congregation to " Do what I say, not what I do". The first thing you should know is that Kamwood do not have any policies in place, and if they do, I never saw one. Also, i got discouraged because it is out of question that actors/actresses will be called for a movie production, and there is no script. We (Actors/Actresses), literally work our asses out, to create scenes for movies. Cam Movies, have you ever heard of something like that? And what is interesting is you cannot comment. It was more like a Hitler/Mussolini style of government. Damn, this is America, besides this is the 21st century. Even villages in Cameroon now are very much civilized, so i doubt where Kamwood got its ideas from. Another issue is Kamwod wants to own you, when they cannot pay you. How can kamwood be mad at Actors/Actresses because they work with other companies? hahahahahahahaha. Even my great grand parents in the village will not be so backward with their mentalities. Also, I want you and the public to tell me, have you ever in your life, even going back to the 12th/13th centuries, heard that a single person is the CEO,PRODUCER,ACTOR,DIRECTOR,CAMERA MAN,EDITOR,MARKETER and WRITER of his own company? hahahahahahahahaha. If all companies were like this, I doubt where we will work. I mean, even in Hollywood, where we have wealthy producers, they still do division of labor. This is a company which I will call a jack of all, and not even an apprentice of any, not to talk of being a master. What even makes the whole thing worse is the fact that Kamwood will delete you from his page, if you work with other companies. I bet you, I used my brain to produce the movies I played with Kamwood. I spent my money, time and energy for the success of it. Today, Kamwood has released those movies, and is selling them in hiding for their ego-like and selfish reasons. It is our sweat; we worked for the success of it, and if he thinks he can reap the fruits, let him go ahead. We have decided to leave Kamwood to its own conscience. The truth will be revealed, when the time comes.

CM: You have acted in all these movies you mentioned but we never knew you as an actor until now, why?
Ken: Very good question Cam movies. How can you know me, or even the movies I have played, when i work with a company that does not even know what it means to produce a movie, and determine who is a good actor/actress. It is so sad that ignorant people will go into a field, just because they think they can do it. I have no doubt about my talent and potentials, and it will be made known to the public sooner or later. I believe I am a good actor/and a good writer. I work with great people, and run away from bad ones. I like to associate myself with great people like Akim macauley, and i know that I will one day work with other great minds like Neba lawrence, Penjo, Agbor Gilbert, Achile Brice, Tawie Elvis, Waa Musi, etc. I work and share ideas today with others like Kang Quintus and Mairo Sanda. These are some the people I will call brains of Cameroon movie industry, and with my upcoming movie, still to be shot, I bet you, you will be amazed. I am taking my time, and as one of my actress told me today," The race is not for the fastest, but for he/she who arrives". Nah for las fight wey we go know actors. (Tory sweet sute tif man laf for banda). ahahahahahahaha. Make I talk like Njinga man

CM: We learned that you are outspoken and have no respect for your elders in the Industry is that true?
Ken: This is another interesting question. Outspoken, yes, I speak my mind without fear or favor. Even if you sign my pay check, I do not give you the chance to put garbage in my mouth. I tell people the truth, because I like the truth. One thing you should know is that it is only a stupid and ignorant man who is scared of criticism. When people criticize me, I take everything into consideration, especially the ones who criticize me with very negative tone. I take it seriously because I will go back home, after downing a good plate of kwacoc or achu and a bottle of red wine, I will ponder about what that person said. After which, if i find that bad aspect in me, I will correct it tight away and tell that person thank you, I have made changes. Wisdom they say is better than silver and gold, and a wise man like me, learn by listening, and understand by reflecting. 
About being disrespectful, that is a big lie. Ask even Akim or the actors/actresses I am working with now for my upcoming movie. I bet you, they criticized my movies, and asked me to do corrections. I took notes during audition for all what they said and I have changed and modified the movie, and I know deep in my heart that I have met their demands. Nobody is an island, and nobody knows too much to take correction. I take corrections from anybody, and no idea to me is dump because i believe very strongly that even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their own story. About respect, despite all the huddles and embarrassment i went through working with kamwood, when I went to Maryland for my audition, I respectfully called him, and left a message on his phone, that I am in Maryland. That is respect. He is seeing me as an enemy, I am seeing him as an ally, who just need to reduce the polish on his shoes, to make it clean. Too much of a thing is a disease. People say I talk a lot. Let me ask you a question, what do you expect of a product of late Bate Bessong (The obasinjo Warrior). He taught me that the greatest issue with fear is fear itself. He told me believe in yourself, and do not be afraid to take the bull by the horn, if need be. I am opened minded, I am a literalist, and i speak and act like one. Qui ride bene, ride L'ultimo

CM: We learned that girls want to sleep with you for a role in your upcoming movie “THE STORM IS OVER” is that true?
Ken: This is another question that makes me laugh. Men, where does such reasoning come from? Does it mean when you work with people, you should not laugh and joke around? Come on people, this is entertainment and people should know that it is fun fun fun and fun. I smile with all my co-actors/co-actresses. We bond together like a family. We joke and laugh together, why should we not? After all, the smile is given to us free of charge by the Almighty God, why should we not be generous with it? We have to be generous with it because it will only render us happiness and joy forever and ver. Like the saying goes "Only happiness makes you happy" right? Life is too short to complicate things. You know, these are the kind of accusations you should expect if you are in the movie industry, and only the Lilly livered will run away from them. People have right to what they say and think. I believe that whatever runs in their minds, has a reality of its own. What i think is more important is, who i know I am, not what the public try to make me to be. Ndedi Eyango said it all in one of his music " ma vie est devenir une histoire, chaqun la rencontre a sa manier,mais la vrai version reste suir moi,vien de moi,tu sura qui je suis". 
To those people who say this, I laugh. My philosophy in life is that when people bother you in any way, it is because their souls are trying to get your divine attention and your blessings. Unfortunately, I cannot bless them, but if they need my attention, let them come, I need them, I am in the entertainment industry. hahahahaha

CM: Do you agree on the name Collywood?
Ken: I have no issues with the name that we wanna call the Cameroon movie industry. Even if they wanna call it "shit", in as much as it does not smell like shit, that is fine with me. All I want is a successful industry, with great mines, and respectable and responsible individuals, who are ready to work together as a team, not trying to say I am the boss, or it is my idea. It should be team work, and the more we buy the ideas of others, the better for us as a team. Even a bad leader can have some good ideas right? After all, Biya once said, “the world is a global village”

CM: Are you willing rejoin Kamwood if offered the opportunity again, if not why?
Ken: I believe very strongly that with the kind of attitude Kamwood has given me, and the way it has presented itself, if Kamwood has the slightest chance to take me completely out of its movies, it will do so ASAP. Unfortunately, it has to deal with that. Reason why i say this is because I got deleted from kamwood page, which does not bother me; my profile was deleted from the web page, which i term ignorance.  Kamwood does not pick my calls, which I term childish. Kamwood, made me spend my money in Minnesota for a premiere that never took place, which I term uncivilized. One thing i know is that if we stay too much in one spot, then we can never grow as a group and humans. When we go places, then we are exposed and can be able to differentiate between the left ear of a horse, and the right ear of that same horse

CM: What do you think we need to improve on as an industry?
 Ken: As an industry, there’s just a lot we need to improve on. First, we need to try and fight those people who are presenting us to the public in a very negative way. it is not helping us even the least. We can never be taken seriously, if we do not erase those negative forces that are out for self growth. 
Secondly, we need to stop this idea of running to Nigeria/Ghana every time we have a movie to produce. Those are Ghanaian/ Nigerian finished products. When will we take ours to that level? We need to believe in ourselves and show the world that we are capable. I am saying this to all producers and directors from Cameroon, and the only person I give credit to about this is Eick Ntang. He has made his industry a purely Cameroonian one. Eric Ntang thinks and believes we have talents which need to be exploited. That's what i stand for, and that is what I wish to see.
Thirdly, our Cameroonian brothers and sisters should know that if they do not buy our products, then we will never grow. They should support us. We have great Cameroonian movies in stores, buy them, watch them and give constructive criticisms, don't stay in the back and instead criticize us, without telling us how we can improve and grow. Cameroonians don't attend our movie premieres, all they wanna hear is this or that Nigerian actor or Ghanian actor/actress is attending. This is wrong, let's push ourselves forward. Cameroonians have talents, raw talents I mean, we make them finished products. Ghanaians and Nigerians started like us, they got to where they are because their people supported them. We need to stop this negativity. Like i said, so far, the only Cameroonian producer in the US, who is not guilty of running to Ghana /Nigeria all the time is Ntang Erick, and I am proud of him for that. I made it clear to my able director Akim Macauley that my movies, is for Cameroonians, and I know we will pull it big time, and I know it will be a success.

CM: How can Cameroonians out of the USA get copies of your movies?
Ken: When you talk of where they can get my movies, I doubt what you are talking about. If you are talking of movies I have written, then they have not been shot yet. When the time comes, it will be made known to the public where to get it. If you are talking of the ones I have played with others, like "Nurses from hell" directed by Akim Macauley, it is not out yet, so when it is out, you will know where to get it. As for the ones I played with Kamwood "Sisters-In -Law” and "my own Bllood", kamwood is selling them secretly, so i don't know how I can tell my fans to get them. The reason why Kamwood is doing this  is because Kamwood does not wanna pay ussssssssssssss. Yes I am saying it loud and clear. It is very very disrespectful, when a producer will sell a movie, without notifying the actors/actresses who used their brains, to make the movie a success. When i say used our brains, it is because we successfully played the movie without a script. We created scenes out of our own imaginations. Like i said, from Kamwood's reactions, if Kamwood had the means of deleting me from his movies he will do so. I am not alone; others have also fallen apart with Kamwood because we all speak the truth. Unfortunately, they cannot Photoshop it, so Kamwood have us to deal with, sorryyyyyyyyyyyy. In any case, i don't care if the movies sell or not. I have forgotten about it, and i don't think that is how i will be known. My works will speak for themselves. “Life is not only about waiting for the storm to be over; it is about learning how to dance in the rain"

CM: Do you have any projects in the pipeline?
Ken: About projects I have in the pipeline? Yes, i do have great ones of course. If you have watched the advert for "DECODE" directed by Akim and Penjo as DOP, then you should not expect anything less of that. I am making huge research on how to make my movie a huge success. I am working with the extremely good actors/actresses, who give me daily inspiration on how to go about my movie. it is our thing, so we all have a say in it. With the ideas they have given me so far, and with my personal research, i have decided to call off the shooting of this movie in NOVEMBER. We have pushed it to JUNE of 2013, because we need to be more prepared, financially, and more importantly psychologically. I learn from great people like Tyler Perry. I watch his movies, Nigerian/Ghanaian movies, Indian movies and Cameroonian movies, just to get myself ready for what we need to do what we have to do. I bet you, with the team i have and the advice i get daily, the sky is our limit. Cameroonians will be trilled, when my stuff will be out. I will work with who so ever is ready to work with me, but no bad spirits sha hahahahahahahaha. God be our helper,Allah Inshala

CM: Thanks for taking out time to participate in this interview with Cam Movies
Ken: No, I am the one to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to air out my views. It is what i think. It might not be the best, but at least it might help us. I hope people will not be disappointed with me for all what I have said. It is the bitter truth, and it must be spoken. If we keep hiding under the umbrella of hiding the truth, then we will never grow. We should be more matured in life, and learn to accept and respect others, and know that no matter how stupid people think we are, we still have our stories. WE should learn to be in good terms with all persons. I try to avoid loud and aggressive people because they are a vexation to my spirit. Yaounde was not built in a day, so we should trend slowly, and take our time to do better things.
I wanna say thank you, thank you thank you; And thank you being a moral treasure will not let it decay, so thank you, and God bless us all SHALOM........PEACE>>>>>>>>>>

Cam Movies
All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 24, 2012

Village to Village Marketing Campaign

The Cam Movies Marketing and Promotion Strategy is almost taking shape, Cam Movies have secure high definition projectors for local Cinema, aimed at broadcasting Cameroon movies from the biggest cities to the smallest villages in Cameroon. Once our movies gain the attention of the layman then we are now talking of a  solid industry. Our movies lack the audience which is the foundation of film making. They say charity begins at home, so let us convince our audience and gain their admiration. Bellow is a screen view of how the projection will look like during our projection tours starting in November 2012.

More views

We will project your movie in all village town halls like this view for DECODED (Image not clear because of camera flash light of the screen)

With All Stars

Images from the movie DECODED

Friday, September 21, 2012

Who are those Behind Cam Movies Continue

We are expanding in numbers in an attempt to reach out to all Cameroonians around the world. Cam Movie is joined by the following humanitarians as Team Members and Reporters
 This great Film maker is bent on making a difference in Cameroon. He announce earlier this month, his intention to get the into Comedy films. He is a producer and celebrated Holland based Film Directed. His movie titled "Will you forgive her" has made waves in Europe, including willing Awards in the just ended Elegance 237 Diaspora Awards. He declared his intention to partner with CAM MOVIES to make the Cameroon Film Industry a leader in African Films.

 SAMSON is a Super model, Fashion designer and a Top rated Actor. Samson has won the admiration of many in Cameroon before making  his debut on the International Stage. Samson has worked with a cross-section of Cameroonian best actors & actresses  such as Nchefor Valery, Jeff Epulle, Ruth Nkwenti etc just to name a few. Samson admire change, creativity and dedication, which are his core values. He admires the work of Cam Movies and decided to come on board to make CFI a better industry than he met it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fake Cameroonians on Facebook - Esther Molinge, Solange Molinge, Danielle Fru etc.

Fake names have been so frequent lately on Facebook. Most of this fake names are formulated around our cultural heritage or names, such as Danielle Fru, Solange Molinge, Esther Molinge. This people shelter themselves behind these fake names to attack the personalities of others. An attacker who is unidentified is just as good as a dream. To those that are attacked, the sky is your limit, if you were not important you will not be attacked. If your attacker was not scared of you, they will face you in real life. We refuse to be distracted by these fake Facebook users.

If you refuse to be Fake, Reveal your true identity and stop stealing pictures of others and shielding behind them.

Cam Movies
All Rights Reserved 

      TOP20 Must watched Cameroon Movies 2011/2012 (Soon in Cam Movie Film Library) 

1.       Decoded - produced by Brenda Shey Elunge & Directed by Akim (Cameroon)
2.       Pink Poison -  Produced by Agbor Gilbert  & Directed by Neba Lawrence(Cameroon)
3.       Troubled Kingdom - produced by Fred Keyanti, Mairo Sanda & Directed by Nebe Lawrence (Cameroon)
4.       Blood or wine - produced by Jim Ike & Uche Jumbo  & directed by Neba Lawrence (Cameroon)
5.       On the Brim – Produced by Waa musi  & directed by Waa Musi (Cameroon)
6.       Supplication – Produced by Takam Devis (Cameroon)
7.       Obsession – Produced by Achile Brice & Directed by Achille Brice (Cameroon)
8.       The Decision – Produced by Elvis Tewie  (Cameroon)
9.        Crush – Produced by Mairo Sanda & directed by Kang Quintus (Belgium)
10.    Jungle Heir – Produced By Agbor Steve & Directed by Neba Lawrence(Cameroon)
11.    Lost Ego – Produced by Waa Musi & directed by Waa Musi (Cameroon)
12.    African man – Produced By Trina Takoh (USA)
13.    American Wahala – Produced & directed by Eric Ntang (USA)
14.    Confused Bachelors – Produced & directed by Simon Timah (Belgium)
15.    Return to Batibo – Produced by Alenne Menget (Cameroon)
16.    Vanity Chase – Produced by Terence Fumunung (Cameroon)
17.    The Last Bullet – Produced By Chia Standley (South Africa)
18.    Xplosif Choppers – Produced By Fred Keyanti & directed by Solomon Atah (South Africa)
19.    Will you forgive her – Directed by Simon Timah (Holland)
20.    Triangles of Tears – Produced by Brenda Shey Elunge & directed by Enah JohnScott (Cameroon)

Cam Movies
All Rights Reserved 


                                      Meet Cameroonian Celebrity - ALENNE MENGET

Talking or writing about Film Makers in Cameroon without making mention of ALENNE MENGET is an incomplete statement that needs to be revised by the writer. This Multi-talented Douala based Film maker is a retired Journalist and TV host. Besides film making, Alenne is a singer and comedian. He is the founder and CEO of ATS Production with Head office in Akwa Douala. Alenne Menget started film making in Cameroon at a crucial time when there was no anglophone film maker in Cameroon. His debut in the Cameroon Film Industry can only be compared with the likes of Foh Ebennezar the pioneer Cameroon producer of "Sweetest Bitterness shot on location in UB in the early 2000s.  Alenne Menget is the host of "GOOD MORNING AFRICA" on AFRICAN MAGIC in Cameroon. Alenne's flexibility and creativity can never be under estimated. His recent comedy film titled "Return to Batibo" is a master piece of artistic creation. Alenne have worked on several projects with NOLLYWOOD big names such as JIM IKE, "2Fanja" and more. He has produced over 30 films widely watched around the world. Alenne aims at fighting social ills through films and documentary films. His documentary film titled "Cyber Crime" is a good example.  If hailing this Film guru is a sin then Cam Movies is a sinner. To discover this film maker, just Google his name or better still search his Films on YOU TUBE.

Cam Movies
All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do we really have a Cameroon Film Industry (CFI)?

We keep making noise about the Cameroon film industry and keep blaming the creation of many "Woods" but do we have a structure called CFI?

Cam Movies learned that since 2009, there has been an interim body in Cameroon called CFI with Waa Musi as interim president and Colins Chatoh as Sec. General. But ever since this structure was created, it has never been able to elect its leadership.

Why is the interim structure so dormant?
When we visited a facebook page called CFI, we never found any resourceful information posted by the interim executive. We learned that CFI has only been able to hold several regional and national conventions which ends up in accusations and gossips.

How does the CFI generate its income?
We learned that CFI taxed actors, actresses, producers, directors etc, to register with a minimum registration fee of 10,000cfa. We are not sure if this is effective and realistic.

What is the money used for?
We can not tell in all truthfulness or confidence, what the structure has so far done with the money raised. However, we learned that part of the money is used to organised these conventions.

Is the CFI made of both home based and Diaspora Film Makers?
No, when we spoke to some big film producers in the diaspora, Cam Movies learned that some of them are not even aware of the existence of CFI.

Cam Movies Recommendation to the Interim Exco of CFI
For us to achieve unity, credibility, and quality in film making, film makers both in Cameroon and in the diaspora needs to be represented in CFI. CFI have to form a solid structure with clear leadership and defined functions. The leadership needs to be made up of accountable and trustworthy Cameroonians who wish the best for the CFI. After this structure is formed, diaspora film makers have to pay in their yearly contributions in all confidence. No films from the diaspora will circulate without the film maker paying the yearly dues.  Finally the leadership have to draw up achievable goals and ensure it is accomplished by the end of the year.


Cam Movies
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Audition call for the movie- Yefon by Penjo Entertainment

This is an opportunity for all young talented and aspiring actors and actresses to show case their talents in front of the Cameras. If you are in Cameroon please use this once in a life time opportunity.


SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2012
Everyone is welcome as we want to discover more talents in YEFON and be ready to face our cameras. Ages from 6 and above
Please do chose the character you feel comfortable with from the ch
aracter list below, and you will be auditioned only for that character. YOUR DRESSING MUST MATCH WITH THE CHARACTER DESCRIBED HERE.
Contact: +237-7502-7187 or 7771-6288

• Yefon - Sahndra
• Nancy Parker - African American cast
• Kome - Jon
• Prince Veyeh - Uti
• Ya - Leleti
• Yenla - Constance
• King of Nso - Hakeem
• Father Tony - Said
• Tony Parkman - American Cast
• Peter - American Cast
• Keenan - American Cast


• Kadoh – 23 A bit thick girl, playful and sometimes of a scatterbrain, she is not very aware of the environment and says what she thinks

• Samba – 25 Proud and and always competing. Strong and tall, Veyeh’s (Uti) Brother. He wants to be the next king and always trying to make his brother look bad on the eyes of their father. Think of Loki Thor brother in movie THOR

• Vena - One of Veyeh’s henchman strong and intimidating

• Verla - 25 Kome best friend, he is very popular with girls and always advises Kome about Yefon

• Beri - village gossip 20s

• Bongben - village gossip 20s

• Sola - 23 Very good looking girl, and the leader of her own group of friends, she is always criticizing other people and feels she is better than everyone else, she is jelous of Yefon and wants to be with Uti

• Taxi driver – 60s Old man with a rough face that shows harships of life

• Mr. Ebune - 40s Village teacher real history teacher prefered, assertive

• Yuyun - 50s a sweet and motherly woman, with very strong personality but very reserved. She is very wise and advicesYefon from time to time.

• Keafon - 21 Very quiet and skinny girl, sad eyes, always apologizing and trying to blend in and not be notices but strong inside - think whoopywoldberg in the movie Color Purple

• Elder 1 -

• Translator - Church translator someone who can speak lamso and english

• Konyuy - Gate man

• Kado – 22, busy body and expressive face

• Dr. Yongye - Extra doctor who helps nancy when she gets sick

• Ya Yento - late 40s Kadoh’s mother

• Jillian Parkman - Adriana Barraza

• Fomo - 40s he is the father of two kids and works at the parish as the driver, has a very calm a fatherly like features

• Berka - Veyehs’ henchman

• TA Nformi - Prison guard who helps Yefon

• Random woman in crowd - Banso local

• woman in crowd #2 - Banso local

• woman at the stream - Banso local

• Elder #2 - Banso local
• PA Lantum - Yefon’s father

• Old Man - Local

• Villager #1 - Local

• Villager #2 - Local

• Ya Sero - 70 Kome’s grandmother

• Fai Tantan - Another elder

• Kila - 30s a very inquisitive person, she is the leader and spokesperson of the girls in jail

• Guard #1 - Local

• Guard 2 - Local

• Estella Amogou - 50s she is the journalist that helps Yefon, she is also the wife of King of Nso and the mother of Uti and Samba,

• Secretary Meggie - Soft, secretary high class

• Robert White - 50s white ambassador of america

• Bradley Parkman - American Cast

• Sam - Sean

• President Jean - Jimmy Jean-Loise

• Clair - President’s wife, elegant and strong woman, reference Michelle obama EXTREMELY fluent in french and english

• Joseph Boma - Isaiah

• Jasmine - Lawyers intern, look nerdy/sophisticated

• Intern - 20s girl

• Takeh - 8 - 10 year old looking boy, energetic and feisty

• Buri - Girl in jail

• Fola - Girl in Jail

• Kiven - Girl in Jail

• Nsokika - Girl in Jail

• Patience - Leader of chief rebel women’s movement LOUD!!! Big woman 30s

• Madam Stella Dongmo - 40s minister of woman’s affairs

• Clement Fotso - Minister

• Bello Francois - Prime minister

• Patrice Fote - Minister of Defense

• Mimi - intern very active and outgoing

• Karen Njomo - Estelle Boss

• Commandant Houego – 60s Bald, muscular man. Beard and stach accretive and strong voice, real military preferred

• Captain Ekotto – 30s military man (real military preferred)

• Suzy Fongod – Talk show host, very outgoing and chick, not a heavy accest think of tyra

• Judge Fonlon – 50s female righteous looking woman, with strong gaze and a extreme amount of confidence

• Hospital Doctors & Nurses

• Madam Stella Dongmo - 40s minister of woman’s affairs

• Clement Fotso - Minister

• Bello Francois - Prime minister

• Patrice Fote - Minister of Defense

• Mimi - intern very active and outgoing

• Karen Njomo - Estelle Boss

• Commandant Houego – 60s Bald, muscular man. Beard and stach accretive and strong voice, real military preferred

• Captain Ekotto – 30s military man (real military preferred)

• Suzy Fongod – Talk show host, very outgoing and chick, not a heavy accest think of tyra

• Judge Fonlon – 50s female righteous looking woman, with strong gaze and a extreme amount of confidence

• Hospital Doctors & Nurses

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cam Movie Representatives in Cameroon needed

Cam Movies is currently looking for interested promoters of the CFI in Cameroon. Their duties will entail
taking still pictures on  movies sets in their respective localities, conduct interviews with movie celebrities, represent  Cam Movies in Awards, Premieres, Red Carpet Parties, TV interviews etc. They will also ensure that Cam Movies logo is printed on every premiere backdrop. Volunteers will be give stipends to cover cost of transportation to events or shooting locations outside their area of habitual residence. They will in the nearest future be equipped with digital cameras to take still pictures as well as short video clips. We need reps in Yaounde, Bamenda and Buea who will be Cam Movie flag bearers.  If you are interested, email Cam Movies on